The purpose of the official British Olympic Association (the “BOA”) website is to provide you with information and services about the BOA, its related projects and the Olympic movement in Great Britain and Northern Ireland in general. References to “we”, “us” and “our” sh/could be construed as references to the BOA.

1. Agreement to terms of use

The BOA provides you with access to our website at and any other domains, microsites or web pages maintained by or on behalf of us or any other official BOA organisations (collectively, the "Site") subject to the following terms and conditions (“Terms of Use”). The BOA reserves the right to change the Terms of Use at any time without notice. Access and use by you of the Site constitutes acceptance by you of the Terms of Use in force at the time of use. The Site is owned and operated by the BOA whose registered address is 101 New Cavendish Street, London W1W 6XH.

2. Amendments

We reserve the right to update or otherwise change these Terms of Use at any time without notice. If we do so, we shall post the changes on the appropriate page on the Site and indicate at the top of this page when the Terms of Use were last updated. The changes will apply to the use of the Site after we have indicated at the top of this page when the Terms of Use were last updated. Please review these Terms of Use regularly to ensure that you are aware of such changes. Your continued use of the Site after such changes are posted indicates your agreement to be legally bound by the updated Terms of Use.

3. Copyright and intellectual property

All information, data, text, documents, graphics, logos, designs, images, pictures, photographs, videos, podcasts, weblogs, software, interactive features or any other content, services or materials (and any part of them) accessible on the Site (the "Materials") are protected by copyright, trade marks and other intellectual property rights and are the proprietary materials of the BOA and/or third parties associated with it and we reserve all rights that are not specifically granted under these Terms of Use. Except where it is otherwise indicated as acceptable on the Site, you may not reproduce, modify, adapt, post, transmit, copy, make available or distribute or otherwise use any of the Materials on this Site without the prior written permission from either the BOA or the owner of the relevant intellectual property rights. Any use made of such Materials may be an infringement of rights in those Materials and the BOA reserves all rights to enforce such rights.

You may read, view, print and (where permitted) listen to and download the contents of an individual page for private and personal non-commercial use only provided that all copyright, trademark and other proprietary notices contained in the Materials on any copy of these Materials is retained, but you may not make more than one copy electronically or otherwise of any of the contents and you may not recopy or further distribute, sell, publish or transmit any part of the Material by electronic or any other means.

You agree not to sell, resell, supply or otherwise make the content contained on the Site or extracts or other information derived therefrom available in any manner or on any media to any third party without the prior written consent of the BOA.

Requests for written approval should be emailed to Please give details of your intended use of the Material and include your contact details: - your name, address, telephone number, fax number and email.

4. Linking policy

Linking to us: The BOA encourages users to establish hypertext links to the Site.

Links from us: We restrict links made from the Site to other sites to certain associated and supporting organisations.

Links to us and from us are provided at our absolute discretion and may be altered, or removed from your website, by us at any time. You may not use any link to the Site as a method of creating an unauthorised association between an organisation, business, goods or services and the BOA, and agree that no such link shall portray us or any other official BOA organisations (or our or their activities, products or services) in a false, misleading, derogatory or otherwise objectionable manner. The use of our logos or any other Olympic or London 2012 Mark(s) as a link to the Site is strictly subject to our prior written approval.

5. Disclaimer

The BOA is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any site to which it is linked and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them. Linking to or from this Site should not be taken as an endorsement of any kind. We cannot guarantee that links will work all of the time and we have no control over the availability of the linked pages.

Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the Material included on this Site, it is provided for information purposes only, without any representation or endorsements made and without warranty of any kind as to its accuracy or completeness or otherwise (whether express or implied) and it does not constitute professional or legal advice.

The information included on the Site has been included in good faith and is intended only for your general information and recreational use. You are responsible for checking the accuracy or completeness or otherwise of relevant facts and opinions given on the Site before entering into any commitment based upon them.

We do not warrant that the operation of this Site will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected, or that this Site or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or represent the full functionality, accuracy, and reliability of the Materials. In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including, without limitation, loss of profits, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damages whatsoever arising from use, or loss of use of, data, arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this Site.

Your access to this Site may be occasionally restricted to allow for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim all warranties, conditions and other terms of any kind, express or implied, in connection with the site and your use of the site (including, without limitation, as to satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy). Your use of the site and/or the Materials is entirely at your own risk.

6. Limitations of use

You may not use the Site:

  • for disseminating any unlawful or otherwise objectionable Material, or in any way which is abusive, vulgar, racist, sexist, defamatory, sexually orientated or obscene or which will harass, distress, embarrass or inconvenience any person or which might restrict or inhibit the use and enjoyment of the Site by any person;

  • for gaining unauthorised access to our computer systems or otherwise breaching applicable laws;

  • for the posting, uploading, emailing or other transmission of any Material, the publication, use or possession of which infringes the rights of any person or which is unlawful in any other respect;

  • in any manner which could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Site;

  • to make available personal data about any person other than yourself;

  • to obtain or attempt to obtain any Materials or information through any means not intentionally made available or provided for through the Site;

  • to impersonate any other person or entity or to provide inaccurate information;

  • for the posting, uploading, emailing or other transmission of any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional Materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation or commercial exploitation;

  • for the posting, uploading, emailing or other transmission of any Material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, restrict, destroy, limit the functionality of or compromise the integrity of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;

  • to create a database (electronic or otherwise) that includes content contained within the Site;

  • to transmit or re-circulate any such content to any third party;

  • in such a way so as to remove the copyright or trade mark notice(s) from any copies of any content made in accordance with these terms; or

  • in any way that might bring the BOA into disrepute.

We may at our option, but without the obligation to do so, monitor communications transmitted via this Site and remove any unlawful or offensive Material. You will indemnify us against all losses, liabilities, costs and expenses reasonably suffered or incurred by us as a result of breach by you of these Terms of Use or applicable law.

7. Use of messages and materials

By submitting messages, suggestions or Material (including any text, photographs, graphics, video or audio) to the BOA/the Site you are granting the BOA a perpetual royalty free non-exclusive licence to reproduce, modify, translate, make available, distribute and sub-license the message/suggestion in whole or in part and in any form anywhere in the world.

By submitting any messages, suggestions or Material to the BOA/the Site you agree that the BOA may use those Materials or suggestions for any purpose and in any way it chooses. Any Materials you provide shall be regarded as non-confidential.

By submitting any messages, suggestions or Material to the BOA/the Site you waive all of the moral rights that you have under Chapter IV of the of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988 and in any other laws now or in future in force in any part of the world and grant us any consent required therein to utilise any such Material. If you do not wish to grant the BOA the rights set out above, do not submit contributions to the Site.

The BOA shall have the unrestricted right to post on to the Site some or all of any messages or suggestions that you submit to the BOA/the Site or it may elect not to do so. If the BOA elects to post some or all of your messages or suggestions it may thereafter remove from the Site some or all of any messages or suggestions that you submitted to the BOA/the Site at its discretion and without the need to give any reasons.

8. Message boards

Some of the pages of the Site may contain message boards, bulletin boards, chat pages or other forums in which users are able to post Material for viewing by others. The BOA does not edit or monitor the content of these pages and, subject to what is said below, does not have any knowledge of any of the activities or information carried on in, or contained within, those pages. If anyone becomes aware that any Material on those pages or any activities carried out on those pages, are offensive, unlawful or infringe any third party rights in any way, please send an appropriately worded message to the BOA by email using this address: The BOA shall then act expeditiously to remove any such Material or to disable access to the information.

9. Advertising and sponsorship

Part of this Site may contain advertising and sponsorship. Advertisers and sponsors are responsible for ensuring that Material submitted for inclusion on this Site complies with relevant laws and codes. We will not be responsible for any error or inaccuracy in advertising and sponsorship Material.

10. Competition Terms and Conditions

  1. By entering the contest, the participant agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions.

  2. Unless otherwise stated, entrants must be 16 years of age or over and a UK resident to enter the competition.

  3. Delivery of the competition prize shall be administered by the British Olympic Association.

  4. Entries for the contest will be accepted until the time outlined on our competition page.

  5. Only one entry per person is permitted and subsequent or multiple entries shall not be valid. Entries on behalf of another person will not be accepted and joint submissions are not allowed. The winner shall be the named respondent on the randomly selected winning submission. Competition entries that are automatically generated by computer, completed by third parties or in bulk will not be accepted.

  6. The prize winner will be chosen at random and contacted by a representative from the British Olympic Association via the email address/telephone number provided on entry within 48 hours of the competition closing date.

  7. In order to receive the prize, the winner must respond within 48 hours of initial contact.

  8. If the prize winner fails to respond within 48 hours of notification, the prize will be forfeited and an alternative prize winner(s) will be contacted.

  9. Proof of submission shall not be proof of receipt. Entries that are incomplete, incorrectly filled in, illegal, illegible, in the incorrect format or fraudulent or those not received in accordance with these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed invalid and not accepted. The British Olympic Association does not accept any responsibility for technical failures which prevent an entrant from submitting an entry and no responsibility will be accepted by the British Olympic Association for entries lost, corrupted or delayed in transmission.

  10. The prize will be outlined on our competition page.

  11. If there are any amendments to the prize, the competition winner will have to cover the costs of such amendments.

  12. The British Olympic Association accepts no responsibility for any costs associated with the Prizes that are not expressly included above. Each prize winner is solely responsible for all applicable federal, state and local taxes, including taxes imposed on his/her income.

  13. The prize is non-transferable, non-negotiable and no cash alternatives will be offered.

  14. Eligibility for being selected among the winning entries is based on the discretion of the British Olympic Association.

  15. The British Olympic Association reserves the right to modify, cancel, extend or discontinue the prize draw rules or any part thereof at any time without prior notification.

  16. The British Olympic Association accepts no responsibility for any damage, loss, liabilities, injury or disappointment incurred or suffered by you as a result of entering the competition or accepting the prize.

  17. The British Olympic Association further disclaims any liability for any injury or damage to the individuals associated with this prize save for where (i) death or personal injury is caused by negligence; (ii) such liability arises from fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or (iii) for any other reason or by any cause which cannot be excluded by law.

  18. The British Olympic Association will not take any responsibility for an individual’s behaviour and any consequences associated with an individual’s actions during the period of the prize.

  19. The British Olympic Association shall not be liable for any failure to comply with its obligations relating to this Prize Draw where the failure is caused by something outside its reasonable control. Such circumstances shall include, but not be limited to, the COVID-19 pandemic or connected events, weather conditions, fire, flood, hurricane, strike, industrial dispute, war, hostilities, political unrest, riots, civil commotion, inevitable accidents, supervening legislation or any other circumstances amounting to force majeure.

  20. Winners may be required to participate in publicity related to the Prize Draw which may include the publication of their name and photograph in any media.

  21. By entering this competition, you will be given the opportunity to opt-in to receive information and offers from the British Olympic Association. If you do opt-in to such communications, you will be given the opportunity to unsubscribe at any time.

  22. By entering the competition, the prize winner gives consent for their name, contact number and address to be passed to a third-party provider for delivery of the prize. Save for the exception above and unless you have opted-in to receive future marketing communications from the British Olympic Association, your personal data will not be passed to any third party unless required to do so by law or an appropriate regulatory authority.

  23. By entering the competition, entrants are sending their personal information to the British Olympic Association who will at all times process an entrant’s personal data in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.

  24. The British Olympic Association’s decision is final in every situation and binding on the entrants. No correspondence will be entered into.

  25. If there is any reason to believe that there has been a breach of these Terms and Conditions, the British Olympic Association may, at its sole discretion, reserve the right to exclude you from participating in the competition.

  26. The British Olympic Association reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend the prize competition where it becomes necessary to do so.

  27. These Terms and Conditions will be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

11. Laws of England and Wales

These Terms of Use shall be governed by, and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of England and Wales, whose courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute, claim or matter arising under or in connection with these Terms of Use.

12. Privacy Policy

The information that you provide about yourself to the BOA will only be used by the BOA in accordance with its Privacy Policy and by using this Site you consent to use our data collected on this Site in the manner set out in the Privacy Policy. We may use cookies on the site (see the Privacy Policy for further details).

13. Miscellaneous

These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between you and us regarding your use of the Site. If any provision of these Terms of Use is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of that provision will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms of Use, which shall remain in full force and effect.

Failure by either party to exercise any right or remedy under these Terms of Use does not constitute a waiver of that right or remedy. The section headings in these Terms of Use are for convenience only and will have no legal meaning or effect.

The BOA shall not be responsible for any breach of these Terms of Use caused by circumstances beyond its control.